Index of values

abort [Bsmlsig.COMM]
Aborts the computation
abort [Bsmlsig.BSML]
Aborts computation and quits.
apply [Bsmlsig.BSML]
Pointwise parallel application.
apply2 [Bsmlbase.Make]
Same thing as apply but with aa function of arity 2, 3 or 4.
apply3 [Bsmlbase.Make]
apply4 [Bsmlbase.Make]
applyat [Bsmlbase.Make]
applyat n f1 f2 v applies function f1 at process n and f2 otherwise
applyif [Bsmlbase.Make]
argv [Bsmlsig.COMM]
Returns the array of command-line arguments
argv [Bsmlsig.BSML]
Returns the arguments from command line with implementation-specific arguments removed.

bcast_direct [Bsmlcomm.Make]
bcast_totex [Bsmlcomm.Make]
bcast_totex_array [Bsmlcomm.Make]
bcast_totex_gen [Bsmlcomm.Make]
bcast_totex_gen partition paste root v broadcasts the value at process root of parallel vector v.
bcast_totex_list [Bsmlcomm.Make]
Specialized versions for lists, arrays, strings and values of any type (but this general version implies the marshalling of values and then the use of bcast_totex_string.
bcast_totex_string [Bsmlcomm.Make]
bsml_abort_string [Bsmlbckcomp.Make]
bsml_begin [Bsmlbckcomp.Make]
bsml_end [Bsmlbckcomp.Make]
bsml_print [Bsmlbase.Make]
bsml_print print_element pid element prints the value of element at process pid using the printer print_element
bsp_g [Bsmlsig.BSML]
BSP parameter g of the parallel machine.
bsp_l [Bsmlsig.BSML]
BSP parameter l of the parallel machine.
bsp_p [Bsmlsig.BSML]
Number p of processes in the parallel machine.
bsp_r [Bsmlsig.BSML]
BSP parameter r of the parallel machine.

compose [Tools]
Function composition.

filtermap [Tools]
filtermap p f l applies f to each element of l which satifies the predicate p
finalize [Bsmlsig.COMM]
Performs implementation-dependent finalization.
fold_array_direct [Bsmlcomm.Make]
fold_array_logp [Bsmlcomm.Make]
fold_direct [Bsmlcomm.Make]
fold_list_direct [Bsmlcomm.Make]
fold_list_logp [Bsmlcomm.Make]
fold_logp [Bsmlcomm.Make]
fold_wide [Bsmlcomm.Make]
from_to [Tools]
from_to n1 n2 = [n1;n1+1;...;n2]

gather [Bsmlcomm.Make]
gather_list [Bsmlcomm.Make]
get [Bsmlbckcomp.Make]
Get the current parameters.
get_cost [Bsmlsig.BSML]
returns a parallel vector which contains, at each processor, the time elapsed between the calls to start_timing and stop_timing.
get_list [Bsmlbase.Make]
The order of the elements of the result list is the same as the order of the process numbers in the argument list.
get_one [Bsmlbase.Make]
get <x0,...,xp-1> <i0,...,ip-1> evaluates to <xi_0,...,xi_p-1>.

id [Tools]
Identity function
initialize [Bsmlsig.COMM]
Performs implementation-dependent initialization.
is_empty [Tools]
Tests whether a value is considered as an empty message.

mask [Bsmlbase.Make]
mkpar [Bsmlsig.BSML]
Parallel vector creation.

natmod [Tools]
nprocs [Bsmlsig.COMM]
Returns the number of processors in the parallel machine

parfun [Bsmlbase.Make]
parfun f <x0,...,x(p-1)> = <f x0,...,f x(p-1)>
parfun2 [Bsmlbase.Make]
Same thing as parfun but with a function of arity 2, 3 or 4.
parfun3 [Bsmlbase.Make]
parfun4 [Bsmlbase.Make]
parprint [Bsmlbase.Make]
parprint print v print the parallel vector v using the printer print, one line per process, each line beginning with the number of the process.
pid [Bsmlsig.COMM]
Returns the processor ID of the host processor
procs [Bsmlbase.Make]
procs is the list of the process numbers
proj [Bsmlsig.BSML]
projection (dual of mkpar).
put [Bsmlbckcomp.Make]
put [Bsmlsig.BSML]
Global communication.
put_list [Bsmlbase.Make]
Each process holds an association liste of pairs (dst,v) where dst is the number of the process of destination and v the value to send.
put_one [Bsmlbase.Make]
Each process holds a pair (dst,v) where dst is the number of the process of destination and v the value to send.

Reads the parameters from the configuration file.
regular_sampling_sort_array [Bsmlsort.Make]
regular_sampling_sort_list [Bsmlsort.Make]
replicate [Bsmlbase.Make]
replicate x gives a parallel vector with the value x on each process.

safe_proj [Bsmlbckcomp.Make]
safe_proj <v,...,v> = v, raises the exception Unsafe_proj otherwise
scan_array_direct [Bsmlcomm.Make]
scan_array_logp [Bsmlcomm.Make]
scan_direct [Bsmlcomm.Make]
If op is an associative operation, scan_direct op <v0,...,vp-1> = <s0,...,sp-1> where si=opvk.
scan_list_direct [Bsmlcomm.Make]
scan_list_logp [Bsmlcomm.Make]
scan_logp [Bsmlcomm.Make]
Computes the same result than scan_direct but with communication cost: i (log p)*2*n*g+l.
scan_wide [Bsmlcomm.Make]
scan_wide par_scan seq_scan last_element map op vv is used to compute a parallel scan over a parallel vector of collections of values.
scan_wide_direct [Bsmlcomm.Make]
Specialized version of scan_wide using scan_direct as parallel scan.
scan_wide_logp [Bsmlcomm.Make]
Specialized version of scan_wide using scan_logp as parallel scan.
scatter [Bsmlcomm.Make]
scatter [Bsmlbckcomp.Make]
scatter_array [Bsmlcomm.Make]
scatter_list [Bsmlcomm.Make]
Specialized version for lists, arrays and strings respectively.
scatter_string [Bsmlcomm.Make]
send [Bsmlsig.COMM]
shift [Bsmlcomm.Make]
Shifts the values from processes to processes.
shift_left [Bsmlcomm.Make]
shift_right [Bsmlcomm.Make]
start_timing [Bsmlsig.BSML]
stop_timing [Bsmlsig.BSML]

this [Bsmlbase.Make]
this is the parallel vector such as each process hold its number
total_exchange [Bsmlcomm.Make]
totex [Bsmlcomm.Make]
totex <v0,...,vp-1> evaluates to <f0,...,fp-1> such as (fi j)=vj.

within_bounds [Bsmlsig.BSML]
within_bounds n is true is n is between 0 and p-1, false otherwise.
wtime [Bsmlsig.COMM]
Returns the clock