Functor Bsmlbckcomp.Make

module Make: 
functor (Bsml : Bsmlsig.BSML) -> sig .. end
Bsml : Bsmlsig.BSML

For backward compatibility

See the documentation of version 0.1. Those functions must be avoided from now on.
val bsml_begin : unit -> unit
val bsml_end : unit -> unit
exception Get_failure of string
val get : 'a Bsml.par -> int list Bsml.par -> (int, 'a) Hashtbl.t Bsml.par
exception Put_failure of string
val put : (int * 'a) list Bsml.par -> (int, 'a) Hashtbl.t Bsml.par
val bsml_abort_string : string -> unit
val scatter : ('a -> (int * 'b) list) -> int -> 'a Bsml.par -> 'b Bsml.par

See the documentation of version 0.2. This function should be avoided from now on.
exception Unsafe_proj
val safe_proj : 'a Bsml.par -> 'a
safe_proj <v,...,v> = v, raises the exception Unsafe_proj otherwise