Functor Bsmlcomm.Make

module Make: 
functor (Bsml : Bsmlsig.BSML) -> sig .. end
Bsml : Bsmlsig.BSML

Parallel functions with communications
val shift : int -> 'a Bsml.par -> 'a Bsml.par
Shifts the values from processes to processes. The parallel cost is n*p+l where n is the average size of the values.
val shift_right : 'a Bsml.par -> 'a Bsml.par
val shift_left : 'a Bsml.par -> 'a Bsml.par
val totex : 'a Bsml.par -> (int -> 'a) Bsml.par
totex <v0,...,vp-1> evaluates to <f0,...,fp-1> such as (fi j)=vj. total_exchhange <v0,...,vp-1> evaluates to <l0,...,lp-1> such as the jth element of li is vj.
val total_exchange : 'a Bsml.par -> 'a list Bsml.par
exception Scatter
scatter partition from <v0,...,vp-1>, scatters the value vfrom which is partioned by the function partition. partition v pid indicates the part of v which will be send to process pid (it is possible to send nothing by using the value None). from must be a valid process number, otherwise Scatter is raised.
val scatter : ('a -> int -> 'b option) -> int -> 'a Bsml.par -> 'b Bsml.par
val scatter_list : int -> 'a list Bsml.par -> 'a list Bsml.par
Specialized version for lists, arrays and strings respectively.
val scatter_array : int -> 'a array Bsml.par -> 'a array Bsml.par
val scatter_string : int -> string Bsml.par -> string Bsml.par
exception Gather
gather dst <v0,...,vp-1> gathers the values v0,...,vp-1 to process dst. With gather the result is a function f such as (f i) gives vi with i being a valid process number. With gather_list the result is the list v{_0};...;v{_p-1}. gather_list corresponds to the function gather of BSMLlib 0.1. If dst is not a valid process, then Gather is raised.
val gather : int -> 'a Bsml.par -> (int -> 'a option) Bsml.par
val gather_list : int -> 'a Bsml.par -> 'a list Bsml.par
exception Bcast
bcast_direct root v0,...,vp-1=vn,...,vn if root is a valid process number, otherwise Bcast is raised. The parallel cost is size*(p-1)*g+l, where size is the size of the value vroot.
val bcast_direct : int -> 'a Bsml.par -> 'a Bsml.par
val bcast_totex_gen : ('a -> int -> 'b option) ->
((int -> 'b) -> 'c) -> int -> 'a Bsml.par -> 'c Bsml.par
bcast_totex_gen partition paste root v broadcasts the value at process root of parallel vector v. The algorithm is the so called total exchange broadcast. It proceeds in two super-steps: First the value at process root is scattered using partition. Then those parts are totally exchanged and pasted. For large values this algorithms is faster than bcast_direct.
val bcast_totex_list : int -> 'a list Bsml.par -> 'a list Bsml.par
Specialized versions for lists, arrays, strings and values of any type (but this general version implies the marshalling of values and then the use of bcast_totex_string.
val bcast_totex_array : int -> 'a array Bsml.par -> 'a array Bsml.par
val bcast_totex_string : int -> string Bsml.par -> string Bsml.par
val bcast_totex : int -> 'a Bsml.par -> 'a Bsml.par
val scan_direct : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a Bsml.par -> 'a Bsml.par
If op is an associative operation, scan_direct op <v0,...,vp-1> = <s0,...,sp-1> where si=opvk. Communication cost: (p-1)*n*g+l where n is the average size of values vi.
val scan_logp : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a Bsml.par -> 'a Bsml.par
Computes the same result than scan_direct but with communication cost: i (log p)*2*n*g+l.
val scan_wide : (('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a Bsml.par -> 'a Bsml.par) ->
(('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'b -> 'b) ->
('b -> 'a) ->
(('a -> 'a) -> 'b -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'b Bsml.par -> 'b Bsml.par
scan_wide par_scan seq_scan last_element map op vv is used to compute a parallel scan over a parallel vector of collections of values. par_scan is the parallel scan used. seq_scan is the sequential scan used. last_element is a function which return the last element of a collection. map is a map function over the collection, op is the operation used for the reduction and vv is the parallel vector of collections.
val scan_wide_direct : (('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'b -> 'b) ->
('b -> 'a) ->
(('a -> 'a) -> 'b -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'b Bsml.par -> 'b Bsml.par
Specialized version of scan_wide using scan_direct as parallel scan.
val scan_wide_logp : (('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'b -> 'b) ->
('b -> 'a) ->
(('a -> 'a) -> 'b -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'b Bsml.par -> 'b Bsml.par
Specialized version of scan_wide using scan_logp as parallel scan.
val scan_list_direct : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a list Bsml.par -> 'a list Bsml.par
val scan_list_logp : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a list Bsml.par -> 'a list Bsml.par
val scan_array_direct : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a array Bsml.par -> 'a array Bsml.par
val scan_array_logp : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a array Bsml.par -> 'a array Bsml.par

Folds. Similar to scans except that the produced vector contains the same value everywhere. This value is the value at the last process if a scan was computed (non wide case) or the value of the last element of the collection at the last processor if a wide scan was computed
val fold_direct : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a Bsml.par -> 'a Bsml.par
val fold_wide : (('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a Bsml.par -> 'a Bsml.par) ->
(('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'b -> 'a) ->
('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'b Bsml.par -> 'a Bsml.par
val fold_logp : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a Bsml.par -> 'b Bsml.par
val fold_list_direct : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a list Bsml.par -> 'a Bsml.par
val fold_list_logp : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a list Bsml.par -> 'b Bsml.par
val fold_array_direct : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a array Bsml.par -> 'b Bsml.par
val fold_array_logp : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a array Bsml.par -> 'b Bsml.par