Jérémy Damour, Allan Blanchard, Loïc Correnson, and
Frédéric Loulergue.
Formalisation d'une analyse de région pour Frama-C/WP.
In Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs (JFLA),
Jordan Ischard, Frederic Dabrowski, Jules Chouquet, and Frédéric
A Mechanized Formalization of an FRP Language with Effects.
In ACM, editor, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC),
Sicily, Italy, March 2025.
to appear.
Wolfgang Ahrendt, Frédéric Loulergue, and Heike Wehrheim.
Introduction to the special collection from the international
conference on Tests and Proofs (TAP) 2020 and 2021.
36(1):1:1--1:2, 2024.
[ DOI ]
Farid Arfi, Hélène Coullon, Frédéric Loulergue, Jolan Philippe,
and Simon Robillard.
A Maude formalization of the distributed reconfiguration language
In 17th Interaction and Concurrency Experience (ICE),
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 2024.
[ DOI ]
Téo Bernier, Yani Ziani, Nikolai Kosmatov, and Frédéric Loulergue.
Combining Deductive Verification with Shape Analysis.
In 27th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to
Software Engineering (FASE), number 14573 in LNCS. Springer, 2024.
[ DOI ]
Hélène Coullon, Ludovic Henrio, Frédéric Loulergue, and Simon
Component-based distributed software reconfiguration: A
verification-oriented survey.
ACM Comput. Surv., 56(1):2:1--2:37, may 2024.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue and Jordan Ischard.
A Framework for the Development of Verified Scalable Parallel
Functional Languages.
In Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and
Validation (ISoLA), LNCS. Springer, 2024.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue and Julien Tesson.
Verified parallel programming in Coq with Bulk Synchronous
Parallel homomorphisms.
In High Level Parallel Programming and Applications (HLPP),
Pisa, Italy, 2024.
Dara Ly, Nikolai Kosmatov, Frédéric Loulergue, and Julien Signoles.
Sound runtime assertion checking for memory properties via program
Formal Aspects of Computing, 36(1):4:1--4:46, 2024.
[ DOI ]
Yani Ziani, Nikolai Kosmatov, Frédéric Loulergue, and Daniel Gracia
Runtime Verification for High-Level Security Properties: Case Study
on the TPM Software Stack.
In Tests and Proofs (TAP), LNCS. Springer, 2024.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue and Ed-Dbali Ali.
Verified high performance computing: the SyDPaCC approach.
In 16th International Conference on Verification and Evaluation
of Computer and Communication Systems (VECoS), number 14368 in LNCS.
Springer, 2023.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue and Jolan Philippe.
Towards verified scalable parallel computing with Coq and Spark.
In Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Workshop on Formal
Techniques for Java-like Programs (FTfJP), pages 11--17, New York, NY, USA,
2023. ACM.
[ DOI ]
Olivia Proust and Frédéric Loulergue.
Verified scalable parallel computing with Why3.
In 21st International Conference on Software Engineering and
Formal Methods (SEFM), volume 14323 of LNCS. Springer, 2023.
[ DOI ]
Virginia Niculescu and Frédéric Loulergue.
Guest Editor's Note: High-Level Parallel Programming 2021.
Int J Parallel Prog, 51:271--273, 2023.
Selected extended and revised papers from the International Symposium
on High Level Parallel Programming and Applications (HLPP 2021).
[ DOI ]
Yani Ziani, Nikolai Kosmatov, Frédéric Loulergue, Daniel Gracia
Pérez, and Téo Bernier.
Towards Formal Verification of a TPM Software Stack.
In 18th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods
(iFM), LNCS. Springer, 2023.
[ DOI ]
Virginia Niculescu, Adrian Sterca, and Frédéric Loulergue.
Reflections on the design of parallel programming frameworks.
In Raian Ali, Hermann Kaindl, and Leszek A. Maciaszek, editors,
Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, pages 154--181.
Springer International Publishing, 2021.
[ DOI ]
Salwa Souaf and Frédéric Loulergue.
Teaching code analysis and verification using Frama-C.
In 1st International Workshop on Applicable Formal Methods
(appFM), Beijing, China, November 2021. Electronic Proceedings in
Theoretical Computer Science.
[ DOI ]
Dara Ly, Nikolai Kosmatov, Frédéric Loulergue, and Julien Signoles.
Verified runtime assertion checking for memory properties.
In Tests and Proofs (TAP), volume 12165 of LNCS, pages
100--121. Springer, 2020.
[ DOI ]
Virginia Niculescu and Frédéric Loulergue.
Transforming powerlist based divide&conquer programs for an improved
execution model.
Journal of Supercomputing, 76:5016--5037, 2020.
[ DOI ]
Virginia Niculescu, Frédéric Loulergue, Darius Bufnea, and Adrian
Pattern-driven Design of a Multiparadigm Parallel Programming
In 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel
Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE), pages 50--61. ScitePress, 2020.
[ DOI ]
Allan Blanchard, Nikolai Kosmatov, and Frédéric Loulergue.
La logique contre les fantômes: comparaison de deux approches
pour la preuve d'un module de listes chaînées.
In 18e journées Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au
Développement de Logiciels (AFADL), June 2019.
Allan Blanchard, Nikolai Kosmatov, and Frédéric Loulergue.
Logic against ghosts: Comparison of two proof approaches for a list
In ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), pages 2186--2195.
ACM, 2019.
Best Paper Award.
[ DOI ]
Allan Blanchard, Frédéric Loulergue, and Nikolai Kosmatov.
Towards Full Proof Automation in Frama-C using Auto-Active
In Nasa Formal Methods, LNCS, pages 88--105. Springer, 2019.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue and Jolan Philippe.
Automatic Optimization of Python Skeletal Parallel Programs.
In Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
(ICA3PP), LNCS, pages 183--197, Melbourne, Australia, 2019. Springer.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue and Jolan Philippe.
New List Skeletons for the Python Skeleton Library.
In Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and
Technologies (PDCAT), pages 395--400. IEEE, 2019.
[ DOI ]
Dara Ly, Nikolai Kosmatov, Frédéric Loulergue, and Julien Signoles.
Soundness of a dataflow analysis for memory monitoring.
In Ada Letters, number 2, pages 97--108, Boston, MA, USA,
December 2019. ACM.
[ DOI ]
Jolan Philippe and Frédéric Loulergue.
PySke: Algorithmic skeletons for Python.
In International Conference on High Performance Computing and
Simulation (HPCS), pages 40--47. IEEE, 2019.
Jolan Philippe and Frédéric Loulergue.
Parallel programming with Coq: Map and reduce skeletons on trees.
In ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), pages 1578--1581.
ACM, 2019.
[ DOI ]
Jolan Philippe and Frédéric Loulergue.
Towards automatically optimizing PySke programs (poster).
In International Conference on High Performance Computing and
Simulation (HPCS), pages 1045--1046. IEEE, 2019.
[ DOI ]
Salwa Souaf and Frédéric Loulergue.
A first step in the translation of Alloy to Coq.
In International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods
(ICFEM), LNCS, pages 455--469. Springer, November 2019.
[ DOI ]
Victor Allombert, Mathias Bourgoin, and Frédéric Loulergue.
Parallel programming with OCaml: A tutorial.
In International Conference on High Performance Computing and
Simulation (HPCS), pages 3--11, Orléans, France, 2018. IEEE.
[ DOI ]
Allan Blanchard, Nikolai Kosmatov, and Frédéric Loulergue.
MMFilter: A CHR-based solver for generation of executions under
weak memory models.
Comput Lang Syst Str, 53:121--142, 2018.
[ DOI ]
Allan Blanchard, Nikolai Kosmatov, and Frédéric Loulergue.
A lesson on verification of IoT software with Frama-C.
In International Conference on High Performance Computing and
Simulation (HPCS), pages 21--30, Orléans, France, 2018. IEEE.
[ DOI ]
Allan Blanchard, Nikolai Kosmatov, and Frédéric Loulergue.
Ghosts for Lists: A Critical Module of Contiki Verified in Frama-C.
In Nasa Formal Methods, number 10811 in LNCS, pages 37--53.
Springer, 2018.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue, Allan Blanchard, and Nikolai Kosmatov.
Ghosts for lists: from axiomatic to executable specifications.
In Tests and Proofs (TAP), volume 10889 of LNCS, pages
177--184. Springer, 2018.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue and Christopher D. Whitney.
Verified programs for frequent itemset mining.
In 15th IEEE International Conference on Advanced and Trusted
Computing (ATC 2018), pages 1516--1523, Guangzhou, China, 2018. IEEE.
[ DOI ]
Virginia Niculescu and Frédéric Loulergue.
Transforming powerlist based divide&conquer programs for an improved
execution model.
In High Level Parallel Programming and Applications (HLPP),
Orléans, France, 2018.
Jolan Philippe and Frédéric Loulergue.
Towards the generation of correct Java programs (poster).
In International Conference on High Performance Computing and
Simulation (HPCS), pages 1055--1056, Orléans, France, 2018. IEEE.
[ DOI ]
Salwa Souaf, Pascal Berthomé, and Frédéric Loulergue.
A Cloud Brokerage Solution: Formal Methods Meet Security in Cloud
In International Conference on High Performance Computing
Simulation (HPCS), pages 691--699. IEEE, 2018.
[ DOI ]
Salwa Souaf and Frédéric Loulergue.
Strong security guarantees: from Alloy to Coq (poster).
In International Conference on High Performance Computing and
Simulation (HPCS), pages 1057--1058, Orléans, France, 2018. IEEE.
[ DOI ]
Julien Tesson and Frédéric Loulergue.
Interactive bulk synchronous parallel functional programming in a
In 15th IEEE International Conference on Advanced and Trusted
Computing (ATC 2018), pages 1593--1598, Guangzhou, China, 2018. IEEE.
[ DOI ]
Allan Blanchard, Frédéric Loulergue, and Nikolai Kosmatov.
From Concurrent Programs to Simulating Sequential Programs:
Correctness of a Transformation.
In Alexei Lisitsa, Andrei P. Nemytykh, and Maurizio Proietti,
editors, Proceedings Fifth International Workshop on Verification and
Program Transformation, Uppsala, Sweden, 29th April 2017, volume 253 of
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, pages 109--123. Open
Publishing Association, 2017.
[ DOI ]
Arvid Jakobsson, Frédéric Dabrowski, Wadoud Bousdira,
Frédéric Loulergue, and Gaétan Hains.
Replicated Synchronization for Imperative BSP Programs.
In International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS),
Procedia Computer Science, pages 535--544, Zurich, Switzerland, 2017.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue.
A verified accumulate algorithmic skeleton.
In Fifth International Symposium on Computing and Networking
(CANDAR), pages 420--426, Aomori, Japan, November 19-22 2017. IEEE.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue.
Implementing Algorithmic Skeletons with Bulk Synchronous Parallel
In Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and
Technologies (PDCAT), pages 461--468. IEEE, 2017.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue.
A BSPlib-style API for Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML.
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 18:261--274, 2017.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue.
Special Issue on Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 18(1), 2017.
Selected extended and revised papers from the International Workshop
and the ACM SAC track on Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel
[ http ]
Frédéric Loulergue, Wadoud Bousdira, and Julien Tesson.
Calculating Parallel Programs in Coq using List Homomorphisms.
Int J Parallel Prog, 45:300--319, 2017.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue.
Imperative BSPlib-style Communications in Bulk Synchronous Parallel
In International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS),
Procedia Computer Science, pages 2368--2372, Zurich, Switzerland, 2017.
[ DOI ]
Virginia Niculescu, Frédéric Loulergue, Darius Bufnea, and Adrian
A Java Framework for High Level Parallel Programming using
In Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and
Technologies (PDCAT), pages 255--262. IEEE, 2017.
[ DOI ]
Jolan Philippe, Frédéric Loulergue, and Wadoud Bousdira.
Formalization of a Big Graph API in Coq (Poster).
In International Conference on High Performance Computing and
Simulation (HPCS), pages 893--894, Genoa, Italy, 2017. IEEE.
[ DOI ]
Thibaut Tachon, Chong Li, Gaétan Hains, and Frédéric
Automated generation of BSP automata.
Parallel Processing Letters, 17(1), 2017.
[ DOI ]
Christopher D. Whitney and Frédéric Loulergue.
Towards a Verified Parallel Implementation of Frequent Itemset
Mining (Poster).
In International Conference on High Performance Computing and
Simulation (HPCS), pages 889--890, Genoa, Italy, 2017. IEEE.
[ DOI ]
Allan Blanchard, Nikolai Kosmatov, Matthieu Lemerre, and Frédéric
conc2seq: A Frama-C plugin for verification of parallel
compositions of C programs.
In 16th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code
Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM), pages 67--72, Raleigh, NC, USA, 2016.
[ DOI ]
Allan Blanchard, Nikolai Kosmatov, and Frédéric Loulergue.
A CHR-Based Solver for Weak Memory Behaviors.
In 7th Workshop on Constraint Solvers in Testing, Verification,
and Analysis (CSTVA), pages 15--22. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2016.
[ .pdf ]
Thibaut Tachon, Gaétan Hains, Frédéric Loulergue, and Chong
Automated generation of BSP automata.
In High Level Parallel Programming and Applications (HLPP),
Münster, Germany, 2016.
Allan Blanchard, Nikolai Kosmatov, Matthieu Lemerre, and Frédéric
A case study on formal verification of the Anaxagoros hypervisor
paging system with Frama-C.
In International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial
Critical Systems (FMICS), LNCS, pages 15--30, Oslo, Norway, June 2015.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Dabrowski, Frédéric Loulergue, and Thomas Pinsard.
A formal semantics of nested atomic sections with thread escape.
Comput Lang Syst Str, 42:2--21, 2015.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Dabrowski, Frédéric Loulergue, and Thomas Pinsard.
Nested atomic sections with thread escape: Compilation to threads and
In ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), pages 2099--2106,
Salamanca, Spain, 2015. ACM.
[ DOI ]
Asma Guesmi, Patrice Clemente, Frédéric Loulergue, and Pascal
Cloud resources placement based on functional and non-functional
In International Conference on Security and Cryptography
(SECRYPT), pages 335--324. ScitePress, 2015.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue, Wadoud Bousdira, and Julien Tesson.
Calcul de programmes parallèles avec Coq.
In Nicolas Ollinger, editor, Informatique Mathématique une
photographie en 2015, collection Alpha, pages 87--134. CNRS Éditions,
Mohamad Al Hajj Hassan, Mostafa Bamha, and Frédéric Loulergue.
Handling Data-skew Effects in Join Operations using MapReduce.
In International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS),
pages 145--158, Cairns, Australia, 2014. Elsevier.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Dabrowski, Frédéric Loulergue, and Thomas Pinsard.
Nested Atomic Sections with Thread Escape: A Formal Definition.
In ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), pages 1585--1592,
Gyeongju, Korea, 2014. ACM.
[ DOI |
The paper ]
Kento Emoto, Frédéric Loulergue, and Julien Tesson.
A Verified Generate-Test-Aggregate Coq Library for Parallel Programs
In Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP), number 8558 in LNCS,
pages 258--274, Wien, Austria, 2014. Springer.
[ DOI ]
Joeffrey Légaux, Sylvain Jubertie, and Frédéric Loulergue.
Development Effort and Performance Trade-off in High-Level Parallel
In International Conference on High Performance Computing and
Simulation (HPCS), pages 162--169, Bologna, Italy, 2014. IEEE.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue, Virginia Niculescu, and Julien Tesson.
Implementing powerlists with Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML.
In Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific
Computing (SYNASC), pages 325--332, Timisoara, Romania, 2014. IEEE.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue, Simon Robillard, Julien Tesson, Joeffrey
Légaux, and Zhenjiang Hu.
Formal Derivation and Extraction of a Parallel Program for the All
Nearest Smaller Values Problem.
In ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), pages 1577--1584,
Gyeongju, Korea, 2014. ACM.
[ DOI |
The paper ]
Frédéric Dabrowski, Frédéric Loulergue, and Thomas Pinsard.
Nested Atomic Sections with Thread Escape: An Operational
In Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and
Technologies (PDCAT), pages 29--35, Taiwan, 2013. IEEE.
[ DOI ]
Joeffrey Légaux, Zhenjiang Hu, Frédéric Loulergue, Kiminori
Matsuzaki, and Julien Tesson.
Programming with BSP Homomorphisms.
In Euro-Par Parallel Processing, number 8097 in LNCS, pages
446--457, Aachen, Germany, 2013. Springer.
[ DOI ]
Joeffrey Légaux, Frédéric Loulergue, and Sylvain Jubertie.
Managing Arbitrary Distributions of Arrays in Orléans Skeleton
In International Conference on High Performance Computing and
Simulation (HPCS), pages 437--444, Helsinki, Finland, 2013. IEEE.
[ DOI ]
Joeffrey Légaux, Frédéric Loulergue, and Sylvain Jubertie.
OSL: an algorithmic skeleton library with exceptions.
In International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS),
pages 260--269, Barcelona, Spain, 2013. Elsevier.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue, Virginia Niculescu, and Simon Robillard.
Powerlists in Coq: Programming and Reasoning.
In First International Symposium on Computing and Networking
(CANDAR), pages 57--65, Matsuyama, Japan, 2013. IEEE Computer Society.
[ DOI ]
Wadoud Bousdira, Frédéric Loulergue, and Julien Tesson.
A Verified Library of Algorithmic Skeletons on Evenly Distributed
In Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
(ICA3PP), number 7439 in LNCS, pages 218--232, Fukuoka, Japan, 2012.
[ DOI ]
Noman Javed and Frédéric Loulergue.
Verification of a Heat Diffusion Simulation written with Orléans
Skeleton Library.
In 9th International Conference on Parallel Processing and
Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2011), number 7204 in LNCS, pages 91--100, Torun,
Poland, 2012. Springer.
[ DOI ]
Joeffrey Légaux, Sylvain Jubertie, and Frédéric Loulergue.
Experiments in Parallel Matrix Multiplication on Multi-Core
In Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
(ICA3PP), number 7439 in LNCS, pages 362--376, Fukuoka, Japan, 2012.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue, Frédéric Gava, Nikolai Kosmatov, and
Matthieu Lemerre.
Towards Verified Cloud Computing Environments.
In International Conference on High Performance Computing and
Simulation (HPCS), pages 91--97, Madrid, Spain, 2012. IEEE.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue.
On the Formal Verification of Computer Simulations.
In 5th Models and Simulations conference (MS5), The Finnish
Centre of Excellence in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Helsinki,
Finland, June 2012.
Mohamad Al Hajj Hassan, Mostafa Bamha, and Frédéric Loulergue.
An Efficient Skew-insensitive Algorithm for Join Processing on Grid
In 5th ACM SIGPLAN workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming
and Applications, pages 11--18. ACM, 2011.
[ DOI ]
Wadoud Bousdira, Louis Gesbert, and Frédéric Loulergue.
Syntaxe et sémantique de Revised Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML.
In Sylvain Conchon and Assia Mahboubi, editors, Journées
Francophones des Langages Applicatifs (JFLA), Studia Informatica
Universalis, pages 117--146. Hermann, 2011.
Frédéric Gava, Louis Gesbert, and Frédéric Loulergue.
Type System for a Safe Execution of Parallel Programs in BSML.
In 5th ACM SIGPLAN workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming
and Applications, pages 27--34. ACM, 2011.
[ DOI ]
Noman Javed and Frédéric Loulergue.
Parallel Programming and Performance Predictability with Orléans
Skeleton Library.
In International Conference on High Performance Computing and
Simulation (HPCS), pages 257--263, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011. IEEE.
[ DOI ]
Noman Javed and Frédéric Loulergue.
A Formal Programming Model of Orléans Skeleton Library.
In Victor Malyshkin, editor, 11th International Conference on
Parallel Computing Technologies (PaCT), LNCS 6873, pages 40--52, Kazan,
Russia, 2011. Springer.
[ DOI ]
Julien Tesson and Frédéric Loulergue.
A Verified Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML Heat Diffusion Simulation.
In International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS),
pages 36--45, Singapore, 2011. Elsevier.
[ DOI ]
Wadoud Bousdira, Frédéric Gava, Louis Gesbert, Frédéric
Loulergue, and Guillaume Petiot.
Functional Parallel Programming with Revised Bulk Synchronous
Parallel ML.
In Koji Nakano, editor, First International Conference on
Networking and Computing (ICNC 2010), 2nd International Workshop on Parallel
and Distributed Algorithms and Applications (PDAA), pages 191--196. IEEE
Computer Society, 2010.
[ DOI ]
Louis Gesbert, Frédéric Gava, Frédéric Loulergue, and
Frédéric Dabrowski.
Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML with Exceptions.
Future Gener Comp Sy, 26(3):486--490, 2010.
[ DOI ]
Louis Gesbert, Zhenjiang Hu, Frédéric Loulergue, Kiminori Matsuzaki,
and Julien Tesson.
Systematic Development of Correct Bulk Synchronous Parallel
In Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and
Technologies (PDCAT), pages 334--340. IEEE, 2010.
[ DOI ]
Julien Tesson, H. Hashimoto, Zhenjiang Hu, Frédéric Loulergue, and
Masato Takeichi.
Program Calculation in Coq.
In Algebraic Methodology And Software Technology (AMAST), LNCS
6486, pages 163--179. Springer, 2010.
[ DOI ]
H. Hashimoto, Zhenjiang Hu, Julien Tesson, Frédéric Loulergue, and
Masato Takeichi.
A Coq Library for Program Calculation.
In JSSST Conference on Software Science and Technology, Shimane
University, Shimane, Japan, 2009.
Noman Javed and Frédéric Loulergue.
OSL: Optimized Bulk Synchronous Parallel Skeletons on Distributed
In Y. Don, R. Gruber, and J. Joller, editors, 8th international
Conference on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies (APPT'09), LNCS
5737, pages 436--451. Springer, 2009.
[ DOI ]
Radia Benheddi and Frédéric Loulergue.
Divide-and-Conquer Programming with Minimally Synchronous Parallel
In J. Weglarz, R. Wyrzykowski, and B. Szymanski, editors,
Seventh International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied
Mathematics (PPAM 2007), Workshop on Language-Based Parallel Programming
Models, number 4967 in LNCS, pages 1078--1085. Springer, 2008.
[ DOI ]
Noman Javed and Frédéric Loulergue.
A Metaprogrammed Bulk Synchronous Parallel Algorithmic Skeleton
In International Conference for High Performance Computing,
Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC08), Poster, 2008.
Frédéric Loulergue and A. Tiskin.
Preface: Special Issue on High-Level Parallel Programming and
Parallel Processing Letters, 18(1), 2008.
[ DOI ]
Julien Tesson and Frédéric Loulergue.
Formal Semantics for the DRMA Programming Style Subset of the BSPlib
In J. Weglarz, R. Wyrzykowski, and B. Szymanski, editors,
Seventh International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied
Mathematics (PPAM 2007), Workshop on Language-Based Parallel Programming
Models, number 4967 in LNCS, pages 1122--1129. Springer, 2008.
[ DOI ]
Anne Benoit and Frédéric Loulergue.
Special Issue on Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 8(4), 2007.
Selected extended and revised papers from the Third International
Workshop on Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel Programming (PAPP
[ http ]
Louis Gesbert and Frédéric Loulergue.
Semantics of an Exception Mechanism for Bulk Synchronous Parallel
In Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and
Technologies (PDCAT), pages 201--208. IEEE Computer Society, 2007.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue.
Introduction to the special issue on semantics and costs models for
high-level parallel programming.
Computer Languages, Systems and Structures, 33(3-4):79--81,
[ DOI ]
Radia Benheddi and Frédéric Loulergue.
Composition parallèle pour MSPML.
In P.-E. Moreau and T. Hardin, editors, Journées
Francophones des Langages Applicatifs (JFLA), pages 101--116. INRIA, 2006.
Frédéric Loulergue.
Special Issue on Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 7(3), 2006.
Selected extended and revised papers from the Second International
Workshop on Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel Programming (PAPP
[ http ]
Louis Gesbert, Frédéric Gava, Frédéric Loulergue, and
Frédéric Dabrowski.
Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML with Exceptions.
In Peter Kacsuk, Thomas Fahringer, and Zsolt Nemeth, editors,
Distributed and Parallel Systems (DAPSYS 2006), pages 33--42. Springer,
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue.
A Calculus of Functional BSP Programs with Projection.
In International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium,
8th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models.
IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue, Radia Benheddi, Frédéric Gava, and Dimitri
Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML: Semantics and Implementation of the
Parallel Juxtaposition.
In International Computer Science Symposium in Russia (CSR
2006), volume 3967 of LNCS, pages 475--486. Springer, 2006.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue.
Special Issue on Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 6(4), 2005.
Selected extended and revised papers from the First International
Workshop on Practical Aspects of High-Level Parallel Programming (PAPP
[ http ]
Frédéric Loulergue, Frédéric Gava, and David Billiet.
Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML: Modular Implementation and Performance
In International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS),
volume 3515 of LNCS, pages 1046--1054. Springer, 2005.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Gava and Frédéric Loulergue.
A Static Analysis for Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML to Avoid Parallel
Future Gener Comp Sy, 21(5):665--671, 2005.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Gava and Frédéric Loulergue.
A Functional Language for Departmental Metacomputing.
Parallel Processing Letters, 15(3):289--304, 2005.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue.
Optimizing Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML.
In Chao Lu and Roger Lee, editors, 6th ACIS International
Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and
Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2005), pages 294--299. IEEE Computer
Society, 2005.
Frédéric Gava and Frédéric Loulergue.
Semantics of a Functional Bulk Synchronous Parallel Language with
Imperative Features.
In Gaétan Joubert, W. Nagel, Frédéric Peters, and
W. Walter, editors, Parallel Computing: Software Technology, Algorithms,
Architectures and Applications, Proceedings of the 10th ParCo Conference,
pages 95--102, Dresden, 2004. North Holland/Elsevier.
Frédéric Gava and Frédéric Loulergue.
A Functional Language for Departmental Metacomputing.
In S. Gorlatch, editor, 4th Workshop on Constructive Methods for
Parallel Programming, pages 63--80. Westfälische Wilheims-Universitët
Münster, 2004.
Frédéric Loulergue.
A Calculus of Functional BSP Programs with Explicit Substitution.
In Gaétan Joubert, W. Nagel, Frédéric Peters, and
W. Walter, editors, Parallel Computing: Software Technology, Algorithms,
Architectures and Applications, Proceedings of the 10th ParCo Conference,
pages 127--134, Dresden, 2004. North Holland/Elsevier.
Frédéric Loulergue.
An Event Oriented Functional Parallel Language.
In Gaétan Joubert, W. Nagel, Frédéric Peters, and
W. Walter, editors, Parallel Computing: Software Technology, Algorithms,
Architectures and Applications, Proceedings of the 10th ParCo Conference,
pages 79--86, Dresden, 2004. North Holland/Elsevier.
Frédéric Loulergue.
Management of Communication Environments for Minimally Synchronous
Parallel ML.
In Z. Juhasz, P. Kacsuk, and D. Kranzimuller, editors,
Distributed and Parallel Systems (DAPSYS 2004), pages 185--192. Springer,
Frédéric Loulergue.
Communication Primitives for Minimally Synchronous Parallel ML.
In International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS),
LNCS, pages 411--414. Springer Verlag, 2004.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue, Frédéric Gava, Myrto Arapinis, and
Frédéric Dabrowski.
Semantics and Implementation of Minimally Synchronous Parallel ML.
International Journal of Computer and Information Science,
5(3):182--199, 2004.
Myrto Arapinis, Frédéric Loulergue, Frédéric Gava, and
Frédéric Dabrowski.
Semantics of Minimally Synchronous Parallel ML.
In W. Dosch and R. Y. Lee, editors, 4th International
Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and
Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD'03), pages 260--267. ACIS, 2003.
Frédéric Dabrowski and Frédéric Loulergue.
Functional Bulk Synchronous Programming in C++.
In 21st IASTED International Multi-conference, Applied
Informatics (AI 2003), Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing and
Networks, pages 462--467. ACTA Press, february 2003.
Frédéric Dabrowski, Frédéric Loulergue, and Frédéric
Pattern Matching of Parallel Values in Bulk Synchronous Parallel
In W. Dosch and R. Y. Lee, editors, 4th International
Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and
Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD'03), pages 301--308. ACIS, 2003.
Frédéric Gava and Frédéric Loulergue.
Synthèse de types pour Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML.
In J.C. Filliatre, editor, Journées Francophones des
Langages Applicatifs (JFLA 2003), pages 153--168, january 2003.
Frédéric Gava and Frédéric Loulergue.
A Polymorphic Type System for Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML.
In V. Malyshkin, editor, Seventh International Conference on
Parallel Computing Technologies (PaCT 2003), number 2763 in LNCS, pages
215--229. Springer Verlag, 2003.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Gava, Frédéric Loulergue, and Frédéric
A Parallel Categorical Abstract Machine for Bulk Synchronous
Parallel ML.
In W. Dosch and R. Y. Lee, editors, 4th International
Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and
Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD'03), pages 293--300. ACIS, 2003.
Frédéric Gava and Frédéric Loulergue.
A Parallel Virtual Machine for Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML.
In International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS),
number 2657 in LNCS, pages 155--164. Springer Verlag, june 2003.
[ DOI ]
Gaétan Hains and Frédéric Loulergue.
Preface: Special Issue on High-Level Parallel Programming and
Parallel Processing Letters, 13(3), 2003.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue.
Parallel Juxtaposition for Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML.
In H. Kosch, L. Boszorményi, and H. Hellwagner, editors,
Euro-Par 2003, number 2790 in LNCS, pages 781--788. Springer Verlag, 2003.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue.
Parallel Superposition for Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML.
In International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS),
number 2659 in LNCS, pages 223--232. Springer Verlag, 2003.
[ DOI ]
Gaétan Hains and Frédéric Loulergue.
Functional Bulk Synchronous Parallel Programming using the BSMLlib
In S. Gorlatch and C. Lengauer, editors, Constructive Methods
for Parallel Programming, Advances in Computation: Theory and Practice,
pages 165--178. Nova Science Publishers, august 2002.
Frédéric Loulergue.
Implementation of a Functional Bulk Synchronous Parallel Programming
In 14th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Computing Systems, pages 452--457. ACTA Press, 2002.
Gaétan Hains, Frédéric Loulergue, and John Mullins.
Concrete data structures and functional parallel programming.
Theor Comput Sci, 258(1-2):233--267, 2001.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue.
Distributed Evaluation of Functional BSP Programs.
Parallel Processing Letters, 11(4):423--437, 2001.
[ DOI ]
Frédéric Loulergue.
Parallel Composition and Bulk Synchronous Parallel Functional
In S. Gilmore, editor, Trends in Functional Programming, Volume
2, pages 77--88. Intellect Books, 2001.
[ ePub ]
A. Merlin, Gaétan Hains, and Frédéric Loulergue.
A SPMD Environment Machine for Functional BSP Programs.
In Proceedings of the Third Scottish Functional Programming
Workshop, august 2001.
Olivier Ballereau, Frédéric Loulergue, and Gaétan Hains.
High-level BSP Programming: BSML and BSλ.
In Gaétan Michaelson and Ph. Trinder, editors, Trends in
Functional Programming, pages 29--38. Intellect Books, 2000.
[ ePub ]
Gaétan Hains and Frédéric Loulergue.
Functional Bulk Synchronous Parallel Programming using the BSMLlib
In S. Gorlatch, editor, Second International Workshop on
Constructive Methods for Parallel Programming (CMPP'2000),
Research Report MIP-2000-07, June 2000.
Frédéric Loulergue.
BSλp: Functional BSP Programs on Enumerated Vectors.
In J. Kazuki, editor, International Symposium on High
Performance Computing, number 1940 in LNCS, pages 355--363. Springer,
October 2000.
[ DOI |
ePub ]
Frédéric Loulergue.
Parallel Composition and Bulk Synchronous Parallel Functional
In Stephen Gilmore, editor, Proceedings of the second Scottish
Functional Programming Workshop, St Andrews, July 2000.
Frédéric Loulergue, Gaétan Hains, and Christian Foisy.
A Calculus of Functional BSP Programs.
Sci Comput Program, 37(1-3):253--277, 2000.
[ DOI |
ePub ]
Olivier Ballereau, Frédéric Loulergue, and Gaétan Hains.
High-level BSP Programming: BSML and BSλ.
In P Trinder and Greg Michaelson, editors, Proceedings of the
first Scottish Functional Programming Workshop, number RM/99/9 in Technical
Report, pages 43--52, Edinburgh, august 1999. Heriot-Watt University.
Frédéric Loulergue.
Extension du BSλ-calcul.
In P. Weis, editor, JFLA'99 : Journées Francophones des
Langages Applicatifs, pages 93--112, Morzine-Avoriaz, February 1999.
[ ePub ]
Frédéric Loulergue.
BSML : Programmation BSP purement
In D. Méry and Gaétan-R. Perrin, editors, Dixièmes
Rencontres Francophones du Parallélisme
(Renpar'10), pages 243--246, Strasbourg, june 1998.
[ ePub ]
Frédéric Loulergue, Gaétan Hains, and Christian Foisy.
A Calculus of Recursive-Parallel BSP Programs.
In S. Gorlatch, editor, First International Workshop on
Constructive Methods for Parallel Programming (CMPP'98), Research
Report MIP-9805, pages 59--70. University of Passau, May 1998.
Frédéric Loulergue and Gaétan Hains.
Parallel functional programming with explicit processes: Beyond
In C. Lengauer, M. Griebl, and S. Gorlatch, editors,
Euro-Par'97 Parallel Processing, number 1300 in LNCS, pages 530--537,
Passau, Germany, August 1997. Springer.
[ ePub ]
Frédéric Loulergue and G Hains.
Programmation fonctionnelle parallèle en processus statiques: Une
approche dénotationnelle.
In M. Gengler and C. Queinnec, editors, Journées
Francophones des Langages Applicatifs JFLA'97. INRIA, 1997.
[ ePub ]