HLPP 2003: Second International Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming and Applications

15-17 June 2003, Paris, France

Invited Lecture

The Real-Time Revolution

Bill McColl
Professor of Computer Science, Oxford University
Founder and CTO, Sychron Inc

Like Moore's Law, the Personal Computer, and the Internet in previous decades, two major new megatrends will shape the development of the mainstream computing industry in the coming decade: (1) the acceleration of business processes to real-time levels of responsiveness in order to achieve and maintain competitive advantage, (2) the shift to a computing model where computer power is delivered on demand, in the form of a utility, from vast server pools. Billions of dollars are now being invested in new R&D initiatives to solve the major challenges that these two massive new requirements (and new opportunities) present. In particular, there is a need to understand how the required global awareness, instantaneous agility, and optimized resource allocation might be achieved across massive server pools. In this talk I will explain how certain ideas from the world of scalable, predictable parallel computing can be adapted to solve these major problems in large scale distributed server pool architectures.

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