Registration Form ----------------- HLPP2001: High-level parallel programming and applications 26-27 March 2001, Universite d'Orleans, France =============================================================== Title and Name: Organisation: Address: Email: Tel: Fax: =============================================================== If you would like a single room reserved for you at the Hotel Jackotel (at 250 FF per night + 35 FF for breakfast), please tell us on which day will you arrive? ___________________________ on which day will you leave? ___________________________ (No advance payment is needed; you will pay at the hotel.) Otherwise, we will assume that you are making your own arrangements for accommodation. =============================================================== Any additional instructions/questions/requests: =============================================================== Please enclose a cheque for 500 FF or 76.22 Euros, payable to "le STUDIUM". Send it with this form, before Friday 9 March, to Maryse Fauquembergue tel. +33 (0)2 38 25 55 54 le STUDIUM fax. +33 (0)2 38 69 01 51 Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire Rue Charles-Sadron F-45071 ORLEANS cedex 2 France OR send this form by email to and transfer the above amount to the "le STUDIUM" account at Banque populaire du Val de France no. de banque 17907 Guichet 00230 no. de compte 0431903458W *** Les participants universitaires français peuvent régler leur *** inscription par bon de commande.